20171006 生命科学领域三篇文献updates:眼泪发电:光

来源:生命科学 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-10-28
摘要:1 Applied Physics Letters:科学家利用眼泪实现发电 近日爱尔兰利默克里大学的研究团队,首次证实对人类眼泪中的溶菌酶施压,也可达到发电效果. 据悉,参与研究的索利马尼教授表示:\"我们是

1Applied Physics Letters:科学家利用眼泪实现发电





Here, we present experimental evidence of the direct piezoelectric effect in the globular protein, lysozyme. Piezoelectric materials are employed in many actuating and sensing applications because they can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa. Although originally studied in inorganic materials, several biological materials including amino acids and bone, also exhibit piezoelectricity. The exact mechanisms supporting biological piezoelectricity are not known, nor is it known whether biological piezoelectricity conforms strictly to the criteria of classical piezoelectricity. The observation of piezoelectricity in protein crystals presented here links biological piezoelectricity with the classical theory of piezoelectricity. We quantify the direct piezoelectric effect in monoclinic and tetragonal aggregate films of lysozyme using conventional techniques based on the Berlincourt Method. The largest piezoelectric effect measured in a crystalline aggregate film of lysozyme was approximately 6.5?pC?N?1.These findings raise fundamental questions as to the possible physiological significance of piezoelectricity in lysozyme and the potential for technical applications.

2Science Advances: 光遗传学新工具--新型质子起动机

Liu Jie,Huang Juan,Guo Huan et al. The conserved and unique genetic architecture of kernel size and weight in maize and rice.[J] .Plant Physiol., 2017.







\"目前我们已经掌握了该蛋白质如何工作的所有必要数据,这会成为我们优化改造光遗传学技术蛋白质工具参数的基础,\"第一作者高级研究员Vitaly Shevchenko说.


Generation of an electrochemical proton gradient is the first step of cell bioenergetics. In prokaryotes, the gradient is created by outward membrane protein proton pumps. Inward plasma membrane native proton pumps are yet unknown. We describe comprehensive functional studies of the representatives of the yet noncharacterized xenorhodopsins from Nanohaloarchaea family of microbial rhodopsins. They are inward proton pumps as we demonstrate in model membrane systems, Escherichia coli cells, human embryonic kidney cells, neuroblastoma cells, and rat hippocampal neuronal cells. We also solved the structure of a xenorhodopsin from the nanohalosarchaeon Nanosalina (NsXeR) and suggest a mechanism of inward proton pumping. We demonstrate that the NsXeR is a powerful pump, which is able to elicit action potentials in rat hippocampal neuronal cells up to their maximal intrinsic firing frequency. Hence, inwardly directed proton pumps are suitable for light-induced remote control of neurons, and they are an alternative to the well-known cation-selective channelrhodopsins.

文章来源:《生命科学》 网址: http://www.smkxzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1028/485.html


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